Saving More Animals Responsibly Together!
Animal shelters are often seen as a negative place. Using the SMART acronym is one step towards creating transparency amongst your staff and the community.
It is often implied that shelters indiscriminately kill unwanted pets.
With SMART, that message changes to Saving More Animals Responsibly Together. Our focus is to create a safe and vibrant community where animal shelters can be seen as a resource and necessary function of the One Health model.
Are you SMART?
The reality is that it is not feasible to save every single animal, for health, behavior, or other reasons. While we should thrive to help them all, we need to be SMART, which helps animals in a responsible manner without alienating those who can't be held to unattainable standards.
A SMART mentality can decrease the risk of rescue hoarding, when people neglect animals due to lack of resources, and can help people take responsibility and be with their animals at the time of euthanasia instead of making others do it.
Are you SMART? Dr. Alba Michelle Gonzalez-Monska, DVM
A SMART mentality can decrease the risk of rescue hoarding, when people neglect animals due to lack of resources, and can help people take responsibility and be with their animals at the time of euthanasia instead of making others do it.
Are you SMART? Dr. Alba Michelle Gonzalez-Monska, DVM